let's do this

life & career coach

dina grishin

Welcome to coaching

curious about your potential?

I coach professionals, self-employed creatives and small business owners who feel stuck in their careers or work, and who want use this opportunity to make meaningful changes and move forward in a way that feels aligned. 

Hey there!

I'm Dina, your straight-talking life and career coach.

I am really good at...

helping you get unstuck and get clear on exactly what you need to do to create meaningful change in your business, career or life, so that you can move forward in a way that feels aligned to your strengths, values and vision.

I work with.....

the recently redundant, the full-timers eyeing up freelance life, the return to work-ers and the career pivoters looking for more meaningful, freeing and fulfilling work that will fit in with their lifestyle without starving them financially. 

Because I've been there...

I've felt stuck in my career before and had no clue about what I wanted to do. 
I went through loads of career change blogs, podcasts and webinars to get guidance. 
But all I got were generic exercises on working out your values and purpose that didn't leave me any wiser. Or non-practical advice like 'just follow your passion'!
I've taken strengths tests and personality tests...
But knowing that I'm an ENFJ Generator type A libra hasn’t actually helped me in the moment decide what I should do next. 

I also work with....

small business owners, self-employed creatives, and freelancers, who DON'T want a career change. Instead, they want to work on themselves so they show up better for their work and in their relationships. 
We work on getting clear on goals, burnout recovery, overcoming Imposter Syndrome, delegating, catastrophising less, stressing less and feeling more calm and present. 


So I did what I could to get unstuck. 
I tried A LOT of jobs and industries. 
I worked in health, education, fashion, luxury, tech.....
I worked in the private sector, the public sector, at a start-up and a large corp...
I worked freelance, part-time, full-time and of course overtime...
Before I worked out that I actually needed to work on myself before making another job move. 

Done that....

I discovered positive psychology which I fell in love with straight away. This led me to discover coaching, which led me to doing a master and then working with a coach on my confidence so I could step into being a coach myself. 
My coach helped me get over my fears of becoming self-employed, discover my potential (I know it's a cliche, but honestly, coaching really did help me with that!) and create my dream job for myself!
Cut to 8 years and 1000+ delivered coaching sessions later....

Got the t-shirt breakthrough!

Now I'm a life and career coach

Helping them....

step into the driver's seat of their career and make a plan of action for how to get the career and lifestyle of their dreams. I'm all about tangible and practical solutions! 

Want to know more?


— Estelle Deve.

Dina has a no-nonsense approach to coaching. She will break down your journey into simple, manageable steps, whilst giving you exercises that will make you ask yourself the right questions for you to grow.

— Anthony Tosello

Coaching was one of those things that I didn't know I needed until I actually did it. I'm very glad I did because it's been amazing and I think all creatives should try it. 

— May Truong

This is the third time I've done a coaching program with Dina and each time I grow in ways I didn't anticipate. 

— Lilian Tula

 It was awesome getting the chance to collaborate with someone who wanted to see me win. 

The Ultimate Career Change Resources Booklet

This is NOT your bog standard regurgitated-off-the-internet lists of things you already know, but a well thought-through treasure trove 🎁 of resources that will ACTUALLY make a difference to you in your job search.
Yes, I’ve included the main job boards you need to look at, but I’ve also included:

💎 Alternative job boards you may not have heard of
💎 A list of international, freelance and remote-focused job boards
💎 Books on career change
💎 Podcasts to help
💎 A list of strength tests and personality quizzes
💎 Interview prep help
💎 A list of communities that could help you get ideas
💎 Mentoring and Networking opportunities
💎 Money education resources
💎 Up-skilling sites and free courses

Simply fill in your details, press confirm on the confirmation email and presto! You'll get the email with the treasure. 

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You will automatically be added to the Straight-Talking Newsletter. You can unsubscribe anytime. 

It's not just about solving the immediate problem, it's SO much more. Here are some lesser-known benefits of coaching.

What people don't realise about coaching

Life skill training

You know the phrase “give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime?”
Well, that’s basically coaching.
Coaching doesn’t just help you solve your CURRENT problem, it teaches you the skills you need to solve FUTURE problems. 
Skills like decision-making, beating imposter syndrome, confidence building, having challenging conversations, negotiating, overcoming fear of failure and more. 
All of these skills will armour you up to be able to navigate all sorts of situations life will throw at you. 

Coaching raises your awareness 

Tangibly this could look like becoming aware of all your skills and strengths, which then leads to greater confidence which leads to you applying for more senior positions, raising your prices or feeling good about entering a totally new industry. 

Greater awareness could also lead to you realising that what you thought was the problem isn’t actually the problem. 
EXAMPLE: Sometimes the problem isn’t that you procrastinate, it’s that you’re not excited about the work you’re doing. So the solution is to either change what you’re doing or reignite your passion by connecting to the bigger picture. 

let's work together

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How to FINALLY Follow Through on Your Goals & Dreams





Yes, but can career coaching help ME?

That's all we really want to know, right?
Well, here are some professions I've helped before.
And you can check out the client case studies HERE.

Wanna see if I can help you?

Book a free call

  • Creative Directors

  • Graphic Designers

  • Business Analysts

  • IT Consultants

  • Photographers

  • Artists

  • Fashion Designers

  • UX Designers

  • Jewellery Designers

  • Hair Salon Owners
  • Art Directors

  • Researchers

  • Marketing

  • Sales managers

  • Communications Manager

  • Account managers

  • Operations managers

  • Team leaders

  • Policy Advisors

  • Strategists

monday motivation

authentic authority

engaged, inspired & feeling vital

sunday dread

imposter syndrome

bored, stressed & unmotivated


Go from

Career coaching can really transform your days