Rise Above Redundancy

A 3 session coaching package to help you go from unsettled to unstoppable 

I'm in

There's no two ways about it:
Redundancies suck

But they're also a chance to regroup, refresh and rise again. 

Perhaps, even an opportunity for reinvention. 

This could be just the catalyst you needed to finally try out freelancing, do something creative or start working on that business idea you've always daydreamed about. 

Whatever your next chapter is, you need some time to reboot before you rise again. 

This is where coaching can help.  

Here's how...

The Rise Above Redundancy Coaching Package

Here's what we cover in your 3 coaching sessions.

Session 1:
The Debrief


We debrief and reflect on what happened so the shock and anger can be processed.
We review your past experiences and skills to identify your strengths and unique positioning. 
We explore your values, goals, and priorities to determine the direction of a new career path

Session 2:
The Action Plan


We develop a few clear and achievable action plans for finding new job opportunities
We review job search strategies and tools, such as networking, resume building, and interview preparation.

Session 3:
The Boost


We will equip you with bespoke techniques for managing the stress, anxiety, and self-doubt that comes up during the job search process
We'll use positive psychology tools to help you stay resilient, optimistic and self-assured. 

"I am not what happened to me.
I am what I choose to become."

Carl Jung

I'm Dina, your coach.

I've been coaching people through career crossroads, setbacks, pivots, and comebacks for 7 years now and I honestly love it. 

I have developed a knack for being able to spot people's unique genius and absolutely love helping them see that they actually have way more career options and potential than they could have ever imagined.

I think it's because I've been where they've been. 

I relate to my clients who are switching industries and feeling daunted at starting again (I've worked in over 6 different industries), or my clients trying to forge a career during some tough economical times (I graduated in the 2008 recession) or my clients who are generalists and don't see how they can overcome their glass ceilings (I used to be a jack of all trades before I began my road to mastering career coaching).

I’ve been there and come out the other side. And now I can’t wait to help you conquer your fear and discover your potential. 

Hey there!

Dina x


Shall we get started?

The Rise Above Redundancy Coaching Package

Includes 3 coaching sessions (60 mins each)

pay in full


pay as you go

Pay for all 3 sessions upfront and get a 10% discount


per session

Pay for each session one at a time. Total £495. 

book a call

Interested? All coaching starts with a free chemistry call to make sure we're a good match and you're happy with the process. 

— Candice Fulker-Sturman

"I am happier and more confident."

I found it useful to have someone who was on my side and there to help me break down my goals into smaller more achievable things. Asking me questions and really getting me to talk and look at things from a different perspective.

— Corinna Schroder

"The sessions went over and beyond my expectations."

Not only did I feel every step was personalised to my situation and I always went away with actionable 'homework' but I also got invaluable support with the actual ideation and a wealth of Dina's knowledge and shared insight into your own business journey which really boosted my confidence.

HERE'S WHAT working with me 1:1 is like

This small investment of your time and money could change your trajectory forever.

Either get in my Insta DMs or email me

Have questions?