Want a brighter year for your career?

Feeling stuck about where next?

Looking for inspiration?

Find your answers at the...

Career Clarity Masterclass

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But the doors to the Career Clarity Program have opened.

Click below to find out more. 

More info

This masterclass is for you if:

 • You're still not sure if you should leave your organisation or not (and you’re tired of the indecision)

 • You've decided 2022 is the year for a change (but you're not sure what will make you happy).

 • You're questioning whether you make a small change (leave your company, but stick with the industry) or a bigger one (retrain completely or even start working for yourself!). 

 • You’re part of The Great Resignation - you’ve quit (yay!) but you’ve lost your way in finding another role.

 • You’re going through a Quarter Life Crisis (I've been there!). 

 • This is even for you if you think you haven't had a career, just a string of new positions. I'm leaving no man behind for this masterclass.. 

Who is this for?

What we cover

In this masterclass you will:

+ Learn the 4-step clarity process of working out what your dream career looks like (and how to go get it or create it). Once you have this process, you can use it time and time again when you need to make a change. It's literally a gift that keeps on giving!

+ Learn what common job-hunting strategies to avoid (and save yourself the misery of making the wrong choice).

+ Learn how you may be limiting yourself (without knowing it) and what to do to open up your options. 

+ Leave feeling excited because you've got a clear picture of what to do in the coming months.

+ Come away feeling more confident about making any sort of career change (be it swapping roles, industries or leaving 9-5 completely).


This isn't my first rodeo...

Here are just some of the messages I've received from lovely people about my webinars. I'm showing this not to brag, but to reassure. You're going to get value.

'Hello Dina. I was just passed along a recording of your GA webinar Bye Bye Burnout, Hello Breakthrough. Thanks for the valuable tips and tricks! This is exactly what I needed dealing with my independent projects this year. Your methods are very compelling.'

- Omar, software developer

Hi Dina! Sorry I meant to reach out earlier😊 I attended your talk about career change at the GA and wanted to let you know that it was very inspiring and informative. You're also really nice to listen to! Also quite confronting and reassuring in the sense that it's still okay to change paths and follow your heart in what you do! So thank you 😊

- Natascha, freelance creative designer

Hi Dina! I recently watched your GA Quarter Life Crisis webinar and nothing has ever hit so close to home! I'm trying to find a better career path and now know I have been cocooning for way too long. I wanted to say thank you for your time and all of the advice that you provided.

- Angela, project coordinator

So, will you be joining us?